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Summer Science Fun

Summer Science Fun

Dive Into Global Warming, Ocean Acidification And Coral Bleaching!

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What people are saying about Meemli

The Thesis statement class was cool because it was a lot different than any other class i have ever taken and the teacher really explained things in great detail and we were able to ask any questions we had.

Grade 9, High School

It was very helpful to get feedback on my essay drafts, because it pointed out all my grammatical errors and areas where I didn't elaborate or make sense.

HIgh School Senior, CA

Meemli was a major success in our pilot mentoring program!  Everyone commented on how easy, efficient and fun the software was to use.  I look forward to doing more projects with Meemli to enrich STEM learning in high schools.

Dr. Pennathur
UCSB faculty program sponsor

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