
For children with dyslexia

Is your middle or high-schooler struggling with dyslexia?

Would you like your child to be more confident and enjoy schoolwork?

Meemli’s new program might be of help!

Our Customized Dyslexia Program

One-on-one coaching with an experienced academic intervention specialist

Supplements and complements programs provided at school

Specially designed online materials and interactions to support student’s needs

Each session customized to the child’s capacity and needs of that day

What Meemli Offers

The Meemli dyslexia coaching

brings high quality academic intervention

to students wherever they are.

 Fully online program

 Custom learning materials

 Personalized teacher guidance

The dyslexia coaching program also features:

Free Trial Session
Convenient Timing
Flexible Duration
Progress Reports

We currently offer:

School Year Coaching