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Algebra Readiness Check - Free

Are you ready for Algebra? Here's an easy way to find out! Our teachers have put together a comprehensive list of the math skills needed for Algebra so you can check how well you know them    

This FREE course offers an assessment of the student’s readiness to start Algebra by assessing the skills in the “prerequisites” for Algebra.

  • Use this free course to determine your readiness.
  • Enroll in the course and sign in to Meemli.
  • Answer the questions and check your answers.
  • Have questions about  your results? Get a free consultation from one of our teachers!
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Grades 7 - 9 or equivalent

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I really think Meemli classes would be great for students. I really like this as an additional option for them.

Teacher, High School

I really enjoyed using Meemli because it was really fun and useful. They gave me tools for how to approach word problems that would usually leave me stuck at first. It was a really great experience that taught me a lot about word problems and I believe it would help anyone. So I would definitely recommend.

Student, Grade 9

It was very helpful to get feedback on my essay drafts, because it pointed out all my grammatical errors and areas where I didn't elaborate or make sense.

HIgh School Senior, CA

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